Paragraph blogging.

Welcome to a new type of blogging Kate aka @springcait (see picture below) and I propose to those in ELT community – paragraph blogging. If you…

– are sick of mulling over your Seriously Great Idea in an attempt to shape it coherently and beautifully into a decent (read: perfect) 1K+ words blog post;

– think your Seriously Great Idea will not significantly lose in its greatness if you manage to tell it in one paragraph;

– are lazy;

– promote clarity in expressing thoughts.. or lack of clarity within a one-paragraph writing;

– don’t think you have a Seriously Great Idea, but you do think you have something to say;

– want to experiment with your writing style;

– desperately want to blog but have just your cell phone with you…

…then paragraph blogging is for you.
Let’s see if one paragraph could be a good amount, readable, doable, enjoyable, ideally informative.

Here’s my Paragraph 1.


Today I was in class with university students (acting as their actual teacher) for the first time since June 2014. I met 13 young adults, some of whom looked tired, sleepy, well-rested, cross, skeptical, blank, interested, curious, shy, markedly laid-back, and some didn’t even look up from their desks to meet my eye. Interestingly (for me), many of those young adults didn’t know much about each other, even though they spent a whole term studying side by side. (That makes me think now whether “studying side by side” necessarily equals “knowing your partners” or “caring to know your partners” in a language class.) Naturally, they were given time to mingle and find things out, which they, naturally, did. The two main take-aways from this non-groundbreaking getting-to-know activity for me personally were the following phrases I overheard: “It turns out my groupmates are interesting guys” and “I write short stories”. While the first line invites no further commentary from me, the latter one might. So it turns out Student I. is an interesting person and writes short stories about the things/ events/ life she observes around her. And since her teacher easily gets excited about what she believes to be students’ talents or creative expressions, and especially all things writing, we all agreed to exploit this. It’s a tentative plan now, of course, but one class Student I. is going to attend my class without actually participating in it, solely for the sake of making the best use of her time observing our lesson. She will then write a short story about it, which she will bring to class for us to translate into English. At least translate, that is! I can’t even start to imagine what it could hold for us all and me as a teacher in particular. It will also be interesting to see how honest the writer will get in her observations))

Thank you for reading.

P.S. This post belongs to a #livebloggingparty series, back in Russia, hiding from the wet grey Moscow February in a cafe with Kate. Fun as ever 🙂


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26 thoughts on “Paragraph blogging.

  1. springcait says:

    Yeeah, this is the very format I need! And I suppose some people will find it useful.
    Another thing is – I really like your flexibility and your ability to play around naturally wit the material you’ve got.
    Thanks for fantastic time, it is a pleasure for me.

  2. Isn’t the blogging platform itself originally meant to be short and sweet pieces of writing, like diary entries originally? Who is to blame for the altered use? It’s academics and those of us who tend toward the terribly verbose!

  3. HL says:

    My kind of blogging!

  4. ven_vve says:

    Is it just a coincidence that the coffee place is called Sisters? 🙂

  5. kevchanwow says:

    Oh, this post is quite a gift. A key to get out of the 2000 word-blog-post-cage. I (and I imagine many other people) feel very grateful to have it.

    • annloseva says:

      Now all of us (trapped in cage bloggers) have an official permission to write just a snippet :)))
      I’m glad you liked the idea and I’m looking forward to your paragraph)

  6. swisssirja says:

    YES!!!! Anna, you just made my weekend ( 3 hours before its official end)

    • annloseva says:

      And your comment brought a smile to my mostly sulking face of this day. Thanks! Shall I start awaiting your paragraph?)

  7. […] PS – Thanks Ann, for the wonderful idea of paragraph blogging! […]

  8. […] blog post – my concise thoughts represented in a single paragraph – as inspired by @annaloseva, @springcait, and many others on […]

  9. […] blogging (I find it hard to stop writing, so maybe this will help!) The idea was proposed by Ann Loseva and Kate […]

  10. Tara Benwell says:

    I’m reading a great book called “How To Write Short: Word craft for fast times.” I highly recommend it:

  11. Olga says:

    Anna, thank you very much for your interesting and very useful information you’ve said today at e-merging forum 5. I’d like to follow you not to pass by new tips in teaching) thanks again!

    • annloseva says:

      Thank you for attending the session and caring enough to check the blog and leave this comment! It makes me want to write more and better. Thank you. Please come by again =)

  12. Chewie says:

    Like Thoreau said, “Simplify, simplify.”

    If I was feeling cynical, I’d say, “Well, yes. Shorten everything to a paragraph post at a time, because everyone reads these things on their phones. They only have time to skim a paragraph before moving on to the next blog anyway.”

    But seriously: Pare the thing down to what’s needed. I figure that one or two ideas per post should be enough. (Unless it’s a list. I love lists.)

  13. […] on February 8, 2015 by Hana Tichá This is a paragraph blogging type of post, inspired by Anna Loseva and Kate Makaryeva, who came up with this fantastic idea at the time when I thought my blogging […]

  14. […] went on to share a paragraph-length story about a critical incident in a recent class of hers. And it does the trick! It’s readable, […]

  15. […] 2015 Anna and Kate started “paragraph blogging”. I think I may have followed their lead for a few posts on my old blog at that time, not sure. Just […]

  16. […] pay attention to various questions I come across (in ELT and beyond), and decided to try a bit of paragraph blogging in this post. Well, more than a paragraph, actually, but that was my intention […]

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